January 2025: Daniel Jacobs wins the 2025 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change and Society for his University of Houston studio "Plastic Marsh" from Columbia University’s Temple Hoyne Buell Center and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). Download the course HERE.
October 2025: The drawing “Forest Scan No. 3” by HOME-OFFICE is included in the exhibition Drawing Codes: Experimental Protocols of Architectural Representation, curated by Andrew Kudless & Adam Marcus, on view at the University of Houston Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture and Design from January-February, 2025, and then traveling to Tulane University School of Architecture from March-April, 2025.
December 2024: Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs publish the book chapter “Mesocosms: Medium Worlds and Worlding Mediums,” in Assembly: Material, Representation and Aggregated Systems in Architectural Production, edited by Gail Borden & Michael Meredith (Routledge, 2024).
November 2024: Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs present recent work of HOME-OFFICE as part of the 2024-25 Lectures Series at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Architecture and Urban Planning.
October 2024: The Sixth Sphere, curated by Brittany Utting, opens at the Rice School of Architecture. The exhibition explores the relationship between architecture and the technosphere and features speculative designs and images from 18 practices. The exhibition will be open October 28, 2024 through February 14, 2025, and also features a catalog designed by Studio Lin and available for purchase HERE. Read more about the exhibition HERE and read a KoozArch interview with contributors HERE.
October 2024: Brittany Utting presents recent work of HOME-OFFICE at the Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño de la Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile.
October 2024: Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs present recent work of HOME-OFFICE in "Notes on a Mesocosmic Architecture" as part of the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 Lecture and Exhibition Series at CU Denver, College of Architecture and Planning (CAP).
October 2024: The drawing “Forest Scan No. 3” by HOME-OFFICE is published in Drawing Codes: Experimental Protocols of Architectural Representation, edited by Andrew Kudless & Adam Marcus (Applied Research + Design Publishing, 2024).
May 2024: Brittany Utting receives a grant from the Graham Foundation in support of the upcoming exhibition The Sixth Sphere, opening October 2024 at Rice Architecture.
May 2024: Log 60: The Sixth Sphere, guest edited by Brittany Utting and Albert Pope, is published. The issue examines the relationship between architecture and the technosphere, an emergent man-made system entangled with the Earth System. Log 60, a 208-page thematic issue, explores the technosphere as “a planetary enmeshment of bodies, environments, and technologies” by examining the Earth’s natural spheres through the lenses of architecture, science, and philosophy.
March 2024: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "Majesty Palm" in The Journal for Architectural Education 78:1 Infidelities, edited by Aya Musmar, Nishat Awan, Menna Agha, and Ozayr Saloojee.
February 2024: HOME-OFFICE exhibition MESO-COSM receives a 2024 ACSA Faculty Design Award.
February 2024: Brittany Utting, Neeraj Bhatia, Jane Mah Hutton, and Zannah Matson are editing the upcoming issue of the Journal of Architectural Education 79:1 Architecture Beyond Extraction. The issue explores the relationship between extraction and the material culture of architecture, while considering what alternative spatial and political models can be built beyond extractive regimes. Read the open call HERE.
January 2024: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish “Life Support: The Greenhouse as an Architecture of Survival” in Pedagogical Experiments in Architecture for a Changing Climate, edited by Tulay Atak, Luis Callejas, Jonathan Scelsa, & Jørgen Johan Tandberg (Routledge, 2024).
January - February 2024: Brittany Utting is a fellow at MacDowell for a writing residency. While at MacDowell, Utting sill curate the forthcoming exhibition The Sixth Sphere, opening in Fall 2024 at Rice Architecture.
January 2024: Joint book launch for Architectures of Care: From the Intimate to the Commons edited by Brittany Utting, and Architecture From Public to Commons edited by Marcelo López-Dinardi, held at the Citygroup Gallery in NYC.
December 2023: Brittany Utting publishes the edited volume Architectures of Care: From the Intimate to the Common (Routledge). The book explores how spaces of care shape our affective, material, and social forms.
December 2023: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting present "The Field Station: From Dispossession to Decolonization" in From Land Grab to LandBack: Architecture and Positions on Land, a symposium organized by the Loudreaders and Douglas Spencer at the Department of Architecture Iowa State University.
October 2023: Brittany Utting presents recent work of HOME-OFFICE in "A Type of Care" as part of the Fall 2023 Lecture Series at the Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design (CAED).
October 2023: HOME-OFFICE writes about their recent exhibition MESO-COSM in The Architect's Newspaper. Read it HERE.
September 2023: HOME-OFFICE is interviewed by KOOZARCH about their recent project MESO-COSM. Read "Meso-Cosmic Order: Experimental Infrastructures for a Changing Climate" HERE.
September 2023: HOME-OFFICE exhibition MESO-COSM opens at the Mashburn Gallery at the University of Houston. The exhibition will be open September 18 - October 15 2023.
September 2023: Brittany Utting receives a MacDowell Fellowship for Architecture for a January-February 2024 writing residency.
June 2023: Brittany Utting and Albert Pope are guest editing Log 60: The Sixth Sphere (Winter/Spring 2024). The issue focuses on the relationship between the human-constructed “technosphere” and the natural spheres—the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, the lithosphere, and cryosphere. Log 60 explores not only to how the built environment operates at a planetary scale, but also to how design can imagine new practices of interdependence and reciprocity. To read the call, click HERE.
April 2023: Brittany Utting receives Rice University's Sophia Meyer Farb Prize for Teaching.
March 2023: HOME-OFFICE lectures on "Time Machines for a Future Climate" as part of Architectures of Transition, the 2022-2023 Lecture Series organized by Elisa Iturbe at The Cooper Union in New York.
March 2023: HOME-OFFICE lectures on "Mesocosms, Field Stations, and Other Medium Worlds" as part of TRANS-SCALAR, the 2022-2023 Public Lecture Series at the University of Houston.
March 2023: Brittany Utting presents "Field Guide to a Contested Forest" in the Reclaiming Land: Drawing Ownership workshop with Emanuel Admassu, Gabriel Cuellar, & Janette Kim in the ACSA 111: In Commons conference.
February 2023: HOME-OFFICE lectures on "Living Machines, Sensing Machines, Simple Machines" as part of Plan Check, the Spring 2023 Public Lecture Series of the Texas A&M University School of Architecture in College Station.
February 2023: HOME-OFFICE leads SIMPLE-MACHINES, the 2023 Texas A&M University AIAS Student Workshop. The workshop explored the relationship between environmental sensing and design in the context of climate change.
February 2023: Daniel Jacobs received honorable mention for the 2023 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change and Society for his University of Houston studio "Liquid Ecologies: Land, Water, and Oil in the Gulf of Mexico" from Columbia University’s Temple Hoyne Buell Center and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). Download the course HERE.
January 2023: HOME-OFFICE presents HOUSTON-VARIATIONS, recipient of the Houston Design Research 2022 Grant, as part of the Spring 2023 Public Lecture Series at Rice Architecture.
January 2023: HOME-OFFICE text "Field Guide to a Contested Forest," based on the FIELD-STATION project, is published in Disc Journal 2.0: Intimacy.
January 2023: Brittany Utting participates in the roundtable "Speaking of Writing" with Scott Colman, Sydney Shilling, Sebastián López Cardozo, and Pouya Khadem for the inaugural issue of Architecture Writing Workshop "Who Gets to Write?"
December 2022: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting are recipients of the Diluvial Houston Initiative grant, an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supported project, for their upcoming project MESO-COSM.
October 2022: Daniel Jacobs, along with co-writers Frank Burridge, Aaron Cayer, Kirsten Day, Peggy Deamer, Andrea Dietz, Jessica Garcia Fritz, Palmyra Geraki, Valérie Lechêne, and Natalie Leonard, publishes "Beyond Capitalism? Organizing Architecture Education" in the Journal of Architectural Education: Pedagogies for a Broken World, edited by Jay Cephas, Igor Marjanović, and Ana Miljački.
October 2022: Brittany Utting presents "FIELD-STATION: The Forest as a Living Laboratory" on the panel Reclaiming Land: From Dispossession to Reciprocity, organized by Janette Kim and James Graham as part of the Fall 2022 Architecture Lecture Series at the California College of the Arts School of Architecture. Panelists included Emanuel Admassu, Keller Easterling, and David Fortin.
September 2022: HOME-OFFICE presents FIELD-STATION as part of the Fall 2022 Public Lecture Series at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis on Thursday September 8th.
August 2022: HOME-OFFICE project FIELD-STATION opens at the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis.
July 2022: Brittany Utting and Daniel Jacobs present "Sensing Environments: From Calibration to Conviviality" in the 2022 Teachers Conference Summit for Climate Agency: Teaching the Design Experiment, hosted by ACSA and Pratt Institute.
July 2022: HOME-OFFICE drawing "A Portrait of a Palm" is included in the exhibition Experimental Landings, curated by Jonathan A. Scelsa, David Erdman, and Tulay Atak at the Pratt Institute’s Graduate Architecture and Urban Design (GAUD) outpost on Governor's Island, New York.
June 2022: Daniel Jacobs, along with co-organizers and participants of the Architecture Beyond Capitalism (ABC) Summer School, write "Not as Easy as ABC" in Log 54: Coauthoring, edited by Ana Miljački and Ann Lui.
May 2022: Daniel Jacobs presents work from his University of Houston studio "Wild Life: Institutes for Hybrid Ecology in Houston," and Brittany Utting presents work from her Rice Architecture studio "Deep Geologies: Material Encounters in Texas," part of the 2022 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change and Society in the ACSA 110: Empower conference.
May 2022: HOME-OFFICE project HOUSTON-VARIATIONS wins the 2022 RDA Houston Design Research Grant. The project explores typological adaptations to Houston’s climatic and economic forms.
April 2022: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "Forest Governmentality and the Struggle for More-Than-Human Sovereignty" in The Avery Review, No. 56.
April 2022: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "Blockchain Ecologies: Ownership Beyond Extraction" in MIT Thresholds 50: Before | After, edited by Jola Idowu, Antonio Pacheco, Ardalan SadeghiKivi, and Meriam Soltan.
April 2022: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "Revisit: Climat de France by Fernand Pouillon" in Architectural Review: Stone.
March 2022: HOME-OFFICE project RE-TAGGING is included in the exhibition Building Information, curated by Kadambari Baxi, Elisa R. Linn, Klaus Platzgummer, and Lennart Wolff at the Architekturmuseum der Technischen Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) in Germany.
January 2022: Brittany Utting wins the 2022 Course Development Prize in Architecture, Climate Change and Society for her Rice Architecture studio "Deep Geologies: Material Encounters in Texas" from Columbia University’s Temple Hoyne Buell Center and the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA). Download the course HERE.
January 2022: Brittany Utting joins the panel "The Unknown" as part of the Confronting Carbon Form event series, curated by Stanley Cho, Elisa Iturbe, and Alican Taylan and hosted by Log Journal for Architecture. Panelists include Sofia Pia Belenky, Cara New Daggett, Joseph Grima, Keith Krumwiede, Francesco Marullo, Louise Mozingo, Albert Pope, Matthew Soules, and Lizzie Yarina. Watch the conversation HERE.
December 2021: Brittany Utting presents "Building for Care" as part of the Confronting Carbon Form event series, curated by Stanley Cho, Elisa Iturbe, and Alican Taylan and hosted by Log Journal for Architecture. Panelists include Francesco Marullo and Louise Mozingo. Watch the conversation HERE.
November 2021: HOME-OFFICE project OFFICE-PARTY is included in the exhibition A Section of Now: Social Norms and Rituals as Sites for Architectural Intervention, curated by Giovanna Borasi at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA) in Montreal.
November 2021: HOME-OFFICE presents PALM-HOUSE in the Plat 10.0: Behold Roundtable at Rice Architecture alongside Mario Carpo, Gili Merin, and Todd Cronan. Recording available HERE.
September 2021: Brittany Utting publishes “Public Proxies” in e-flux Architecture: Treatment, edited by Nick Axel, Nikolaus Hirsch, and Adam Jasper.
September 2021: HOME-OFFICE project drawing "138 Model Homes" is included in the exhibition Room(s): Yale School of Architecture Graduate Women Alums 1942-, curated by Jessica Varner at the Yale School of Architecture in New Haven.
September 2021: HOME-OFFICE project HOT-WALL is published in ARQ 108: Vegetation.
August 2021: Brittany Utting contributes article "Upon Receipt of Care" to Architecture As Measure, curated by Neyran Turan for the 2021 Venice Architecture Biennale Pavilion of Turkey
July 2021: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting present HOME-OFFICE project INSTANT-NATURE in UIA 2021 RIO 27th World Congress of Architects: All the Worlds. Just One World.
June 2021: Daniel Jacobs co-organizes The Architecture Lobby Academia Working Group Architecture Beyond Capitalism (ABC) Summer School. Speaker Session recordings: CAPITALISM, LABOR, & COLLECTIVES.
June 2021: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting present HOME-OFFICE project PALM-HOUSE and project drawing "Peace, Commerce, Friendship: A Portrait of a Palm" in the Imag(in)ing a Future Imperfect Artist Talk as part of 2021 ACSA/EAAE Teachers Conference | Curriculum for Climate Agency: Design (in)Action Virtual Exhibition
June 2021: Brittany Utting participates in the Teaching Practice / Practice Teaching panel hosted by Yale Women in Architecture, moderated by Nina Rappaport. Panelists include Marion Weiss, Lise Ann Couture, and Lane Rick.
May 2021: HOME-OFFICE lectures on "New Familiars," about recent HOME-OFFICE projects for the Hearst Lecture Series at Cal Poly College of Architecture & Environmental Design.
May 2021: HOME-OFFICE project HOT-WALL is published in POOL Issue No.6: Plant.
April 2021: HOME-OFFICE lectures on "New Familiars," about recent HOME-OFFICE projects at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Tel Aviv.
March 2021: Brittany Utting presents work from her Rice Architecture studio "Company Town" in ACSA 109: Expanding the View: Prospect(s) for Architectural Education Futures.
March 2021: Brittany Utting organizes the virtual symposium CARE-WORK: Space, Bodies, and the Politics of Care at Rice Architecture. The first panel Infrastructures of Care includes Maria S. Giudici, Torsten Lange, Sarah Nichols, and Rosario Talevi. The second panel Embodiments of Care includes Jia Yi Gu, f-architecture, HOME-OFFICE, and Fabiola López-Durán. The closing Keynote was delivered by Silvia Federici which can be viewed HERE.
November 2020: HOME-OFFICE project PALM-HOUSE opens at the Citygroup Gallery in New York City. Watch the opening talk HERE.
October 2020: Brittany Utting is interviewed about Architecture and Activism for Houston Matters on Houston Public Media, News 88.7.
October 2020: Brittany Utting publishes "Company Town: Housing for Houston" in Cite Digital.
September 2020: HOME-OFFICE is interviewed for the Rice Architecture Tête-à-Tête podcast series. Listen to the episode HERE.
September 2020: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "A Digital Oikos" in AA Files 77, edited by Maria S. Giudici.
September 2020: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting present HOME-OFFICE project RE-TAGGING in 2020 AIA/ACSA Intersections Research Conference: CARBON.
August 2020: HOME-OFFICE project OFFICE-PARTY is published in ARQ 105: Resistance.
July 2020: Brittany Utting is appointed Assistant Professor at Rice Architecture.
June 2020: Daniel Jacobs publishes an interview with Peggy Deamer "A Conversation About the Activist Mood and Architecture's Ghosts" in Gradient Journal Feed #1.
April 2020: HOME-OFFICE is interviewed about "Maintenance Work" and current projects in the Out of Work // Out of Control issue of Yale Paprika!
February 2020: HOME-OFFICE project RE-TAGGING is included in the Fulfilled exhibition, curated by Ashley Bigham at the Banvard Gallery at Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.
October 2019: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "UN-WORKING" in The Journal of Architectural Education 73:2 Work, edited by Peggy Deamer and Tsz Yan Ng.
August 2019: HOME-OFFICE project TOWN-MALL is included in the REJECTED: Architectural Drawings and their Stories exhibition, curated by Team B at the Banvard Gallery at Knowlton School of Architecture, The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH.
August 2019: Brittany Utting is interviewed for the Fellow Fellows series on Archinect.
July 2019: Brittany Utting joins Rice Architecture as visiting critic.
April 2019: Brittany Utting publishes "The Domestic Generic" in ARQ 101: Freedom.
March 2019: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting present HOME-OFFICE project OFFICE-PARTY in ACSA 107: BLACK BOX: Articulating Architecture’s Core in the Post-Digital Era.
March 2019: Brittany Utting presents "Homes Without Quality" in ACSA 107: BLACK BOX: Articulating Architecture’s Core in the Post-Digital Era.
March 2019: Brittany Utting publishes "Red Room Green Screen" in the The Journal of Architectural Education 73:1 Atmospheres, edited by Martin Bressani and Aaron Sprecher.
February 2019: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting organize the panel UN-WORKING SPACE, with participant Francesco Marullo, at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.
January 2019: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting organize the panel UN-WORKING PLATFORM, with participants Keller Easterling and Douglas Spencer, at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.
November 2018: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting organize the panel UN-WORKING WORK, with participants Peggy Deamer, Manuel Shvartzberg, Irene Sunwoo, and Claire Zimmerman, at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.
October 2018: Daniel Jacobs publishes “Ethos Office: A Design Manual for the Future of Work” in Pidgin 24.
October 2018: Brittany Utting is interviewed for FWD/ A Feminist Design Edit: The Homefront.
September 2018: Daniel Jacobs and Brittany Utting publish "An Architecture without Contempt" in the Building Identity issue of CARTHA Magazine.
April 2018: 138 MODEL HOMES, Brittany Utting's 2017-2018 Willard A. Oberdick Fellowship project, opens as part of the "Architectures by Proxy" exhibition at Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan. Watch the opening HERE.
July 2017: Brittany Utting, 2017-2018 Willard A. Oberdick Fellow, and Daniel Jacobs join the faculty at the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Michigan.